Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, or vortex, and it refers to each of the seven energy centers of which our consciousness, our energy system, is composed. Energies in the chakras correlate to your lifemoney and job satisfaction, sexual desires and creativity, emotions and control, love and relationships, self-expression, mental attitudes and social programming, and your connection to Source.

Our specialists have the ability to sense the shapes, see the colors, and feel the energies surrounding your seven chakras, providing her with useful information regarding many different areas in your life. By identifying which of your chakras are healthy and which are blocked, moving too slowly, or otherwise in need of healing or balancing, we are able to facilitate the healing your energy system and improve your life.

Chakra Balance sessions are done while fully clothed on a massage table, listening to gentle, soothing music. During this time healing energy will flow into you, balancing your energy system, releasing stress, soothing pain, and promoting your bodys natural ability to heal itself. As the energy flows, most people will feel warmth, heat, or tingling from the Reiki practitioners hands.